Saturday, March 14, 2009

Announcements and Thanks.

Hello again, everyone. I offer my sincere apologies to subscribers and those who have been coming back to check up on my site in the last week. I have been busy with mid-terms and honors assignments for my Chinese class, so I haven't had time to blog or work on my site this week. But since I'm here now, I have some brief announcements to make:

1. I have received a lot of feedback from friends and other visitors of the site on material to blog about. From posting a "grammar tip of of the day" to posting romanization and translations for Chinese music, the ideas were numerous and I am considering them all. But before making too many decisions I want to thank all of those who gave their input. It is HIGHLY appreciated, in fact I must request that you all keep your ideas coming. This site isn't just for me, so I want to know what interests you all!

2. Within the next week, I will be creating what you could think of as a "Sister Site" geared towards Chinese music. Once a week I will choose one of my favorite songs from one of my favorite singers and post it along with my best translation, and the romanized lyrics as well (for you karaoke fans who want to learn songs but may not read Chinese). Later on, if time permits, I will set up another site where my visitors can make requests for lyrics romanizations for their favorite songs and I will also set up an archive where other videos can retrieve these lyrics. I am a big fan of Chinese music and I know I'm not the only one!

3. Back onto the topic of learning Chinese: I have decided what to write about in my next blog entry; "5 Tips to Help You Memorize Characters". There are 5 things that are essential to my memory of characters that I think will help all of you who study Chinese as well, find out what those things are tomorrow.

Thanks again for visiting, everyone! Until next time.

-Mike Redus

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