Every language on Earth contains idiomatic expressions. Some idioms are specific expressions that pertain to customs of the culture correlated with the specific language, other idioms are universal and relate to the general development of moral fiber. Idioms (成语) are the most commonly used speech forms in Chinese. They are commonly used to describe situations, tell stories and are most essential in teaching young children proper manners and developing their understanding of the goings on of the world.
Starting now, to conclude each blog post I will leave you with a random idiomatic expression. Today I will start will a simple one...
千里之行始于足下 (qiān lǐ zhī xíng shǐ yú zú xià)
(The journey of 1000 li(0.5km) is started by taking the first step)
The meaning in essence is that every long journey has a simple but very necessary beginning... AN INITIAL ACTION. Regardless of planning, your plans are just plans until you initiate an action. If you have a long way to go, standing still won't get you there, you have to take the first step. Every road has a beginning.
Like many idioms, one can derive multiple meanings, regardless of how simple the translation can be. Just something to think about.
Until next time, my friends.
-Mike Redus
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