Saturday, March 7, 2009

Learning Chinese, Day by Day.

Hello all, and welcome to my blog! My name is Mike Redus. My Chinese name (a phonetic translation of my surname) is 睿达思 (ruì ). I have been learning Mandarin Chinese off and on for about 8 years. Unfortunately the off periods far exceed the on. Over the last several months however, my Chinese has greatly and very quickly improved, and I learn something new every day. I decided to start a blog about my experiences and what I go through when learning and using this language in hopes that other people who are trying to learn Chinese will come by the site and bless me with their feedback, personal opinions and ideas. Learning Chinese is hard and doing it alone is virtually impossible. I want this site to be a friendly environment for those who are learning, or want to learn Chinese and have questions. Those who are too embarrassed to raise their hand to ask a questions in class, or those who don't have too many resources to find information or discuss related topics elsewhere. Those are the people I'm dedicating this site to, as I was once one of those people. I can't promise that I will update this blog everyday, as I am busy with my own studies, but I will do my best. Feel free to leave comments, questions, or email me directly. My knowledge of Chinese language, and the tools that help me continue to learn, can be just as much your possession as they are currently mine.



1 comment:

  1. I can't believe there are no comments! I support you, Mike. Good luck! I am lucky to have Chinese as my first language but English is my second. I can imagine how hard it is for you to learn Chinese, and you're AMAZING. I rated you 5 on YouTube!
